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Un maximum de 10 000 titres sont affichés.
Titre Prix
ABADIA-FENOLI, F., Ostos Garrido, M. V., Caballero Lopez--Lendinez, J. L., Martos, C., - A modification of the chromic tartrate silver impregnation technique for block impregnation of the central nervous system and paraffin wax embedding,., A modification of the chromic tartrate silver impregnation technique for block impregnation of the central nervous system and paraffin wax embedding,., Auteur: ABADIA-FENOLI, F., Ostos Garrido, M. V., Caballero Lopez--Lendinez, J. L., Martos, C., € 4,00
AEBERSOLD, H., Giegerich, P., Rohkamm, R., - A modified Bodian stain for routine quantitative assessment of axonal degeneration in teased nerve fibers., A modified Bodian stain for routine quantitative assessment of axonal degeneration in teased nerve fibers., Auteur: AEBERSOLD, H., Giegerich, P., Rohkamm, R., € 4,00
Wlotzka, Britta  John S. McCaskill - A molecular predator and its prey. Coupled isothermal amplification of nucleic acids., A molecular predator and its prey. Coupled isothermal amplification of nucleic acids., Auteur: Wlotzka, Britta John S. McCaskill € 4,00
Lemmon, Vance - A monoclonal antibody that binds to  cones., A monoclonal antibody that binds to cones., Auteur: Lemmon, Vance € 4,00
Gardner, Erle Stanley - A morcos lany esete., A morcos lany esete., Auteur: Gardner, Erle Stanley € 6,00
MARRONI, P., Giannessi, E., Coli, A., - A morphological and morphometrical study of displaced amacrine cells in dog retina. A morphological and morphometrical study of displaced amacrine cells in dog retina. Auteur: MARRONI, P., Giannessi, E., Coli, A., € 4,00
KOUTSILIERI, E., Chen, T. E., Kruzik, P., Rausch, W. D., - A morphometric analysis of bipolar and multipolar TH-IR neurons treated with the neurotoxin MPP+ in co-cultures from mesencephalon and striatum in embryonic C57BL/6 mice. A morphometric analysis of bipolar and multipolar TH-IR neurons treated with the neurotoxin MPP+ in co-cultures from mesencephalon and striatum in embryonic C57BL/6 mice. Auteur: KOUTSILIERI, E., Chen, T. E., Kruzik, P., Rausch, W. D., € 4,00
Snulders, Tom Victor - A multi-disciplinary approach to understanding hippocampal fuction in food-hoarding birds., A multi-disciplinary approach to understanding hippocampal fuction in food-hoarding birds., Auteur: Snulders, Tom Victor € 4,00
Gardner, E.S. - A müveszi csapda esete., A müveszi csapda esete., Auteur: Gardner, E.S. € 4,00
Lazar, Ervin - A Nagyravagyo Feketeterigo., A Nagyravagyo Feketeterigo., Auteur: Lazar, Ervin € 6,00
Ehrat, Fredi  Felix Mattmüller-Frick - A nehezen kezelhetö gyermekek (POS). A nehezen kezelhetö gyermekek (POS). Auteur: Ehrat, Fredi Felix Mattmüller-Frick € 4,00
Megela, Andrea L.,  Robert R. Capranica - A neural and behavioral study of auditory habituation in the Bullfrog Rana catesbeiana., A neural and behavioral study of auditory habituation in the Bullfrog Rana catesbeiana., Auteur: Megela, Andrea L., Robert R. Capranica € 4,00
Boycott, B. B.,  J.M. Hopkins - A neurofribrillar method stains solitary (primary) cilia in the mammalian retina., Their distribution and age-related changes., A neurofribrillar method stains solitary (primary) cilia in the mammalian retina., Their distribution and age-related changes., Auteur: Boycott, B. B., J.M. Hopkins € 4,00
ECK, R., Bergmann, C., Ziegelbauer, K., Schönfeld, W., Künkel, W. - A neutral trehalase gene from Candida albicans. Molecular cloning, characterization and disruption. A neutral trehalase gene from Candida albicans. Molecular cloning, characterization and disruption. Auteur: ECK, R., Bergmann, C., Ziegelbauer, K., Schönfeld, W., Künkel, W. € 4,00
CRUTCHER, K. A., Tolar, M., Harmony, J. A. K., Marques, M. A., - A new  hypothesis for the role of apolipoprotein E in Alzheimer's disease pathology. A new hypothesis for the role of apolipoprotein E in Alzheimer's disease pathology. Auteur: CRUTCHER, K. A., Tolar, M., Harmony, J. A. K., Marques, M. A., € 4,00
DITCHBURN, R. W., - A new apparatus for producing stabilized retinal images. A new apparatus for producing stabilized retinal images. Auteur: DITCHBURN, R. W., € 4,00
Sandell, J.H., A,. M. Graybiel,  M.F. Chesselet - A new enyzme marker for striatal compartmentalization. NADPH diaphorase activity in the caudate nucleus and putamen of the cat., A new enyzme marker for striatal compartmentalization. NADPH diaphorase activity in the caudate nucleus and putamen of the cat., Auteur: Sandell, J.H., A,. M. Graybiel, M.F. Chesselet € 4,00
HARRIS, H. - A new function of the nucleolus. A new function of the nucleolus. Auteur: HARRIS, H. € 4,00
Woodcock, E. C.. - A new latin syntax A new latin syntax Auteur: Woodcock, E. C.. € 26,00
Gerrits, P. O., L. Smid: - A new, less toxic polymerization system füor the embedding of sift tissues in glycol methacrylate and subsequent preparing of serial sections., A new, less toxic polymerization system füor the embedding of sift tissues in glycol methacrylate and subsequent preparing of serial sections., Auteur: Gerrits, P. O., L. Smid: € 4,00
NUSSBAUMER, J. C - ., A new low-resistance tungsten microelectrode. ., A new low-resistance tungsten microelectrode. Auteur: NUSSBAUMER, J. C € 4,00
Bertalanffy, Ludwig von  Felix D. Bertalanffy - A new method for cytological diagnosis of pulmonary cancer., A new method for cytological diagnosis of pulmonary cancer., Auteur: Bertalanffy, Ludwig von Felix D. Bertalanffy € 4,00
VAN REEMPTS, J. V., Van Deuren, B., Ashton, D., Borgers, M. - , A new model of photochemically induced acute and reversible demyelination in the peripheral nervous system. , A new model of photochemically induced acute and reversible demyelination in the peripheral nervous system. Auteur: VAN REEMPTS, J. V., Van Deuren, B., Ashton, D., Borgers, M. € 4,00
PRADAL, G., Barriere, P., Mollat, F., Lefranc, G. - , A new technique for staining sections and recovering celloidin film in high resolution autoradiography., , A new technique for staining sections and recovering celloidin film in high resolution autoradiography., Auteur: PRADAL, G., Barriere, P., Mollat, F., Lefranc, G. € 4,00
Posell, Elsa - A new true book. Deserts., A new true book. Deserts., Auteur: Posell, Elsa € 4,00
Mikszath, Kalman - A noszty-fiu esete toth mawrival., A noszty-fiu esete toth mawrival., Auteur: Mikszath, Kalman € 5,00
Russo, Lucio - A note on percolation., A note on percolation., Auteur: Russo, Lucio € 4,00
Collins, Treacher E. - A note on the elastic stissues of the eyball as shown by sections stained with acid orcein, , A note on the elastic stissues of the eyball as shown by sections stained with acid orcein, , Auteur: Collins, Treacher E. € 7,00
Spenser, Emma Jane - A novel approach. A novel approach. Auteur: Spenser, Emma Jane € 4,00
BRADY, S., T., - A novel brain ATPase with properties expected for the fast axonal  transport motor-. A novel brain ATPase with properties expected for the fast axonal transport motor-. Auteur: BRADY, S., T., € 4,00
Kerstens, H. M. J., P. J. Poddighe, A.,G.J. M. Hanselaar - A novel in situ hybridization signal amplification method based on the deposition of biotinylated tyramine., A novel in situ hybridization signal amplification method based on the deposition of biotinylated tyramine., Auteur: Kerstens, H. M. J., P. J. Poddighe, A.,G.J. M. Hanselaar € 4,00
COLBERT, S. H. , Mack, A. F., Fernald, R. D., - A novel, rapid flat-mounting techniqe for visualizing antibody labeling in the retina., A novel, rapid flat-mounting techniqe for visualizing antibody labeling in the retina., Auteur: COLBERT, S. H. , Mack, A. F., Fernald, R. D., € 4,00
Yaginuma, H., M. Tomita, N. Rakashita, S. McKay, C. Cardwell, Q.W.Yin., R. W. Oppenheim - A novel type of programmed neuronal death in the cervical spinal cord of the chick embryo., A novel type of programmed neuronal death in the cervical spinal cord of the chick embryo., Auteur: Yaginuma, H., M. Tomita, N. Rakashita, S. McKay, C. Cardwell, Q.W.Yin., R. W. Oppenheim € 4,00
Ashby, Theresa - A one -man woman., A one -man woman., Auteur: Ashby, Theresa € 8,00
Menzel, Wilhelm - A Packsla schiene Schläs sche Sacha zusommagetroagn vun Menzel Wilhelm aus Hirschberg i. Riesengebirge., A Packsla schiene Schläs sche Sacha zusommagetroagn vun Menzel Wilhelm aus Hirschberg i. Riesengebirge., Auteur: Menzel, Wilhelm € 4,00
Hardy, Thomas - A pair of blue eyes. A pair of blue eyes. Auteur: Hardy, Thomas € 82,00
COMPER, W. D., Preston, B. N., Austin, L., - A paradigm for axonal transport. A paradigm for axonal transport. Auteur: COMPER, W. D., Preston, B. N., Austin, L., € 4,00
Bartok, Imre - A patkany eve. A patkany eve. Auteur: Bartok, Imre € 6,00
Wohlfahrt, Hans-Jürgen - A. Paul Weber - foto - grafisch. A. Paul Weber - foto - grafisch. Auteur: Wohlfahrt, Hans-Jürgen € 10,00
Bonners, Susan - A penguin year. A penguin year. Auteur: Bonners, Susan € 6,00
Carre, John le - A perfect spy. A perfect spy. Auteur: Carre, John le € 4,00
Selleck, George A. - A perscective on  war. A perscective on war. Auteur: Selleck, George A. € 16,00
Peters, Alan - A. Peters, Experimental studies on the staining of nervous tissue with silver proteinates., J. Anat. 93, 177-194 (1959)., //  Peters  Feldman, The projection of the lateral geniculate nucleus to area 17 of the rat cerebral cortex. I. general ... A. Peters, Experimental studies on the staining of nervous tissue with silver proteinates., J. Anat. 93, 177-194 (1959)., // Peters Feldman, The projection of the lateral geniculate nucleus to area 17 of the rat cerebral cortex. I. general ... Auteur: Peters, Alan € 4,00
ONO, H., Inagaki, K. , Hashimoto, K., - A pharmacological approach to the nature of the autoregulation of the renal blood flow., A pharmacological approach to the nature of the autoregulation of the renal blood flow., Auteur: ONO, H., Inagaki, K. , Hashimoto, K., € 4,00
WILSON, P. M., - A photographic perspective on the origins, form, course and relations of the acetylcholinesterase containing fibres of the dorsal tegmental pathway in the rat brain. A photographic perspective on the origins, form, course and relations of the acetylcholinesterase containing fibres of the dorsal tegmental pathway in the rat brain. Auteur: WILSON, P. M., € 4,00
Hildebrandt, Merrill F. - A physiological study of the climatic conditions of Maryland as measured by plant growth., A physiological study of the climatic conditions of Maryland as measured by plant growth., Auteur: Hildebrandt, Merrill F. € 9,00
Briggs, Martin S. - A pictorial guide to Cathedral Architecure. A pictorial guide to Cathedral Architecure. Auteur: Briggs, Martin S. € 16,00
Gladwin, D.D. - A pictorial history of Canals., A pictorial history of Canals., Auteur: Gladwin, D.D. € 4,00
Anonymus - A pictorial history of the Jewish people., A pictorial history of the Jewish people., Auteur: Anonymus € 4,00
Anonymus - A pictorial tour of California, The golden State., A pictorial tour of California, The golden State., Auteur: Anonymus € 4,00