

hubertusboek a un total de 861 livre(s).

Titre Prix
Kapferer, Bruce - A Celebration of Demons. Exorcism and the Aesthetics of Healing in Sri Lanka A Celebration of Demons. Exorcism and the Aesthetics of Healing in Sri Lanka Auteur: Kapferer, Bruce € 15,00
Bowden, Muriel. - A Commentary on the General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales. A Commentary on the General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales. Auteur: Bowden, Muriel. € 10,00
Daiches, David. - A Critical History of English literature. in 4 Volumes. A Critical History of English literature. in 4 Volumes. Auteur: Daiches, David. € 25,00
Stutley, Margaret and James. - A Dictionary of Hinduism. Its Mythology, Folklore and Development 1500 B.C. - A.D. 1500. A Dictionary of Hinduism. Its Mythology, Folklore and Development 1500 B.C. - A.D. 1500. Auteur: Stutley, Margaret and James. € 20,00
Kamal, Hassan. - A Dictionary of Pharaonic Medicine. A Dictionary of Pharaonic Medicine. Auteur: Kamal, Hassan. € 20,00
Teich, M.  D.M. Needham. - A Documentary History of Biochemistry 1770-1940. A Documentary History of Biochemistry 1770-1940. Auteur: Teich, M. D.M. Needham. € 25,00
Burr, Dorothy. - A Geometric House and a Proto-Attic Votive Deposit. A Geometric House and a Proto-Attic Votive Deposit. Auteur: Burr, Dorothy. € 15,00
Rose, H.J. - A Haandbook of Latin Literature from the earliest times to the death of St. Augustine A Haandbook of Latin Literature from the earliest times to the death of St. Augustine Auteur: Rose, H.J. € 15,00
Gardner, Ernest Arthur. - A Handbook of Greek Sculpture. A Handbook of Greek Sculpture. Auteur: Gardner, Ernest Arthur. € 20,00
Shrewbury, J.F.D. - A History of Bubonic Plague in the British Isles. A History of Bubonic Plague in the British Isles. Auteur: Shrewbury, J.F.D. € 25,00
Guerini, V. - A History of Dentistry from the Most Ancient Times until the end of the Eighteenth Century. A History of Dentistry from the Most Ancient Times until the end of the Eighteenth Century. Auteur: Guerini, V. € 20,00
Payne, Richard and Wright, Thomas. - A History of phallic worship. A discoursse on the worship of priapus  and  The worship of the generativee powers. A History of phallic worship. A discoursse on the worship of priapus and The worship of the generativee powers. Auteur: Payne, Richard and Wright, Thomas. € 15,00
Manguel, Alberto. - A History of Reading. A History of Reading. Auteur: Manguel, Alberto. € 10,00
Kohlberg, Etan./ - A Medieval Muslim Scholar at Work. Ibn Tawus  his Library. A Medieval Muslim Scholar at Work. Ibn Tawus his Library. Auteur: Kohlberg, Etan./ € 55,00
Grene, Marjorie. - A Portrait of Aristotle. A Portrait of Aristotle. Auteur: Grene, Marjorie. € 10,00
Lindsay, Jack. - A Short History of Culture. From Prehistory to the Renacence. A Short History of Culture. From Prehistory to the Renacence. Auteur: Lindsay, Jack. € 15,00
Thomson, George. - Aeschylus and Athens. A study in the social origins of drama. Aeschylus and Athens. A study in the social origins of drama. Auteur: Thomson, George. € 15,00
Leuenberger, Hans. - Aethiopien. Kaiserreich seit Salomon. Aethiopien. Kaiserreich seit Salomon. Auteur: Leuenberger, Hans. € 10,00
Callimachus - aetia, iambi, lyric poems, mhecale, minor epic and elegiac poems, fragments. aetia, iambi, lyric poems, mhecale, minor epic and elegiac poems, fragments. Auteur: Callimachus € 15,00
Forde, Daryll. (Editor). - African Worlds. Studies in the cosmological ideas and social values of african peoples. African Worlds. Studies in the cosmological ideas and social values of african peoples. Auteur: Forde, Daryll. (Editor). € 15,00
Leyten, H. en Simhoffer, K. - Afrika Nabij. Catalogus Afrika Centrum Cadier en Keer. Afrika Nabij. Catalogus Afrika Centrum Cadier en Keer. Auteur: Leyten, H. en Simhoffer, K. € 10,00
Pollak-Eltz, A. - Afro-Amerikaanse godsdiensten en culten. Afro-Amerikaanse godsdiensten en culten. Auteur: Pollak-Eltz, A. € 10,00
Weber, Albrecht. - Akademische Vorlesungen über Indische Literaturgeschichte. Akademische Vorlesungen über Indische Literaturgeschichte. Auteur: Weber, Albrecht. € 25,00
Berlinger, Rudolph (Herausg.). - Akropolis Zu Ehren von Wiebke Schrader. Perspektiven der Philosophie. Neues Jahrbuch Band 16. Akropolis Zu Ehren von Wiebke Schrader. Perspektiven der Philosophie. Neues Jahrbuch Band 16. Auteur: Berlinger, Rudolph (Herausg.). € 20,00
Schuchhardt, Carl. - Alteuropa.  Eine Vorgeschichte unseres Erdteils. Alteuropa. Eine Vorgeschichte unseres Erdteils. Auteur: Schuchhardt, Carl. € 20,00
Ettmüller, Ludwig. - Altnordischer Sagenschatz in neun Büchern Altnordischer Sagenschatz in neun Büchern Auteur: Ettmüller, Ludwig. € 12,50
Blok, J.H. - Amazones antianeirai. Interpretaties van de Amazonenmythe in het mythologisch onderzoek van de 19e en 20e eeuw en in archaisch Griekenland. Amazones antianeirai. Interpretaties van de Amazonenmythe in het mythologisch onderzoek van de 19e en 20e eeuw en in archaisch Griekenland. Auteur: Blok, J.H. € 15,00
Haberland, Wolfgang. - Amerikanische Archäologie. Amerikanische Archäologie. Auteur: Haberland, Wolfgang. € 10,00
Golomb, Louis. - An Anthropology of Curing in Multiethnic Thailand. An Anthropology of Curing in Multiethnic Thailand. Auteur: Golomb, Louis. € 20,00
Spence, Lewis. - An introduction to mythology. An introduction to mythology. Auteur: Spence, Lewis. € 10,00
Gabel, Cr. - Analysis of Prehistoric Economic Patterns. Analysis of Prehistoric Economic Patterns. Auteur: Gabel, Cr. € 7,00
Baker, Hugh. - Ancestral Images. A Hong Kong Album Ancestral Images. A Hong Kong Album Auteur: Baker, Hugh. € 10,00
Matyszak, Philip - Ancient Athens on Five Drachmas a Day Ancient Athens on Five Drachmas a Day Auteur: Matyszak, Philip € 15,00
anonymus - Ancient China`s Technology and Science. Ancient China`s Technology and Science. Auteur: anonymus € 15,00
Possehl, Gregory (ed.) - Ancient Cities of the Indus. Ancient Cities of the Indus. Auteur: Possehl, Gregory (ed.) € 30,00
Anderson, Graham. - Ancient Fiction. The Novel in the Graeco-Roman World. Ancient Fiction. The Novel in the Graeco-Roman World. Auteur: Anderson, Graham. € 15,00
Andersom, Graham. - Ancient Fiction. The Novel in the Graeco-Roman World. Ancient Fiction. The Novel in the Graeco-Roman World. Auteur: Andersom, Graham. € 15,00
Lowenstein, Tom. - Ancient Land: Sacred Whale. The Inuit Hun t and its Rituals. Ancient Land: Sacred Whale. The Inuit Hun t and its Rituals. Auteur: Lowenstein, Tom. € 10,00
Oppenheim, A. Leo - Ancient Mesopotamia. Protrait of a Dead Civilization. Ancient Mesopotamia. Protrait of a Dead Civilization. Auteur: Oppenheim, A. Leo € 10,00
Freeman, Kathleen. - Ancilla to the Pre-Socratic Philosophers.  A complete translation of the fragments in Diels Fragmente der Vorsokratiker. Ancilla to the Pre-Socratic Philosophers. A complete translation of the fragments in Diels Fragmente der Vorsokratiker. Auteur: Freeman, Kathleen. € 20,00
Callatay, Godefroid. - Annus Platonicus.  A study of worldcycles in Greek Latin and Arabic sources. Annus Platonicus. A study of worldcycles in Greek Latin and Arabic sources. Auteur: Callatay, Godefroid. € 20,00
Classen, Carl Joachim - Ansatze. Beitrage zum Verstandnis der fruhgriechiswchen Philosophi. / druk 1 Ansatze. Beitrage zum Verstandnis der fruhgriechiswchen Philosophi. / druk 1 Auteur: Classen, Carl Joachim € 25,00
Blijstra-v.d.Meulen, M. (samenst) - Antidoron aangeboden aan professor doctor Sophia Antoniadis ter gelegenheid van haar afscheid van Nederland dooe vrienden en leerlingen. Antidoron aangeboden aan professor doctor Sophia Antoniadis ter gelegenheid van haar afscheid van Nederland dooe vrienden en leerlingen. Auteur: Blijstra-v.d.Meulen, M. (samenst) € 15,00
Heyns, Pol. - Antieke kalenderprenten. Antieke kalenderprenten. Auteur: Heyns, Pol. € 10,00
Meier, C.A. - Antike Inkubation und moderne Psychotherapie. Antike Inkubation und moderne Psychotherapie. Auteur: Meier, C.A. € 15,00
Stemplinger, Eduard. - Antiker Volksglaube. Antiker Volksglaube. Auteur: Stemplinger, Eduard. € 10,00
Kerenyi, Karl - Apollon, studien uber antike religion und humanitat Apollon, studien uber antike religion und humanitat Auteur: Kerenyi, Karl € 15,00
Seltman, Charles. - Approach to Greek Art, Approach to Greek Art, Auteur: Seltman, Charles. € 15,00
Littmann, Enno. - Arabische Geisterbeschworungen aus Agypten. Arabische Geisterbeschworungen aus Agypten. Auteur: Littmann, Enno. € 12,00
Luck, Georg. - Arcana Mundi. Magic and the Occult in the Greek and Roman World. Arcana Mundi. Magic and the Occult in the Greek and Roman World. Auteur: Luck, Georg. € 15,00