Cottage Bookshop


Cottage Bookshop a un total de 39 livre(s).

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Titre Prix
Camonte, T.S. - 100 Jahre Hollywood 100 Jahre Hollywood Auteur: Camonte, T.S. € 5,00
Harrison, F - A book about books A book about books Auteur: Harrison, F € 7,00
Irving, John Lt.-Commander, R.N. - Bends, hitches, knots and splices Bends, hitches, knots and splices Auteur: Irving, John Lt.-Commander, R.N. € 10,00
Considine, Shaun - Bette  Joan, the divine feud Bette Joan, the divine feud Auteur: Considine, Shaun € 5,00
Callow, Simon - Charles Laughton, a difficult actor Charles Laughton, a difficult actor Auteur: Callow, Simon € 6,00
Markus, R.A. - Christianity in the Roman World Christianity in the Roman World Auteur: Markus, R.A. € 15,00
Green, Melissa - Colour is the suffering of light, a memoir Colour is the suffering of light, a memoir Auteur: Green, Melissa € 5,00
Reitzenstein, F.F. von - Das weib bei den naturvolkern Das weib bei den naturvolkern Auteur: Reitzenstein, F.F. von € 20,00
Mikes, George - Down with everybody! with drawings by David Langdon Down with everybody! with drawings by David Langdon Auteur: Mikes, George € 8,00
Seiffert, Rachel - Field Study Field Study Auteur: Seiffert, Rachel € 7,50
Desarthe, Agnès - Five photos of my wife Five photos of my wife Auteur: Desarthe, Agnès € 4,00
Delbanco, Nicholas - Group Portrait (Joseph Conrad, Stephen Crane, Ford Madox Ford, Henry James, H.G. Wells) Group Portrait (Joseph Conrad, Stephen Crane, Ford Madox Ford, Henry James, H.G. Wells) Auteur: Delbanco, Nicholas € 7,50
Wallach, Ira - Hopalong-Freud and other Modern Literary Characters Hopalong-Freud and other Modern Literary Characters Auteur: Wallach, Ira € 8,00
Kipling, Rudyard - Humorous tales Humorous tales Auteur: Kipling, Rudyard € 4,00
Coren Stanley - Is links handig? Is links handig? Auteur: Coren Stanley € 19,50
diverse Atkinson, Haran, Okri, Weldon - Magic Magic Auteur: diverse Atkinson, Haran, Okri, Weldon € 4,00
Porter, Catherine - Miller's Collecting Modern Books Miller's Collecting Modern Books Auteur: Porter, Catherine € 8,50
Dinnerstein, Dorothy - Minotaurus en meermin, man-vrouw regelingen en menselijk onbehagen Minotaurus en meermin, man-vrouw regelingen en menselijk onbehagen Auteur: Dinnerstein, Dorothy € 4,00
diverse Hardy, Wells, Bates - Modern English Short Stories Modern English Short Stories Auteur: diverse Hardy, Wells, Bates € 4,00
Diverse, Introductie James Kritzeck - Modern Islamic Literature from 1800 to the present Modern Islamic Literature from 1800 to the present Auteur: Diverse, Introductie James Kritzeck € 6,00
Simpson, Eileen - Orphans, real and imaginary Orphans, real and imaginary Auteur: Simpson, Eileen € 6,50
Simpson, Eileen - Poets in their youth, a memoir Poets in their youth, a memoir Auteur: Simpson, Eileen € 7,00
Miller, Karl - Rebecca`s Vest -a memoir- Rebecca`s Vest -a memoir- Auteur: Miller, Karl € 6,00
Wilson, Angus - Reflections in a writer`s eye Reflections in a writer`s eye Auteur: Wilson, Angus € 4,00
Black, E.L. - Royal Brides - Queens of England of the Middle ages- Royal Brides - Queens of England of the Middle ages- Auteur: Black, E.L. € 7,50
Worcester, G.R.G. - Sail and sweep in China Sail and sweep in China Auteur: Worcester, G.R.G. € 75,00
West, J.E. and Hillcourt, W. - Scout field book -boy scouts of America- Scout field book -boy scouts of America- Auteur: West, J.E. and Hillcourt, W. € 6,00
Spark, Muriel - The go-away bird and other stories The go-away bird and other stories Auteur: Spark, Muriel € 3,00
Mailer, Norman - The naked and the dead The naked and the dead Auteur: Mailer, Norman € 22,50
Emile Meijer and Joop Swart - The photographic memory Press photography-twelve insights The photographic memory Press photography-twelve insights Auteur: Emile Meijer and Joop Swart € 7,50
James, Henry - The portrait of a lady The portrait of a lady Auteur: James, Henry € 4,50
Straaten, Peter van - This literary life This literary life Auteur: Straaten, Peter van € 4,00
Jerome, Jerome K. - Three men on the bummel Three men on the bummel Auteur: Jerome, Jerome K. € 8,00
Charlton, Moyra, Illustrated by Gilbert Holiday - Three white stockings Three white stockings Auteur: Charlton, Moyra, Illustrated by Gilbert Holiday € 7,00
 - Utrechtsche Studentenalmanak 1853 Utrechtsche Studentenalmanak 1853 Auteur: € 20,00
Fattorusso, J - VENICE, The Queen of the Adriatic VENICE, The Queen of the Adriatic Auteur: Fattorusso, J € 10,00
Haasse, H.S. - Wegen der verbeelding Wegen der verbeelding Auteur: Haasse, H.S. € 6,00
Davis Jr, Sammy with Jane and Burt Boyar - Why me? Why me? Auteur: Davis Jr, Sammy with Jane and Burt Boyar € 5,50
Prose, Francine - Women and children first Women and children first Auteur: Prose, Francine € 6,50