Antiquariaat Kleio


Antiquariaat Kleio a un total de 498 livre(s).

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Titre Prix
Wharton, Edith - A Backward Glance A Backward Glance Auteur: Wharton, Edith € 34,99
James Gardiner - A Class Apart. The private pictures of Montague Glover. A Class Apart. The private pictures of Montague Glover. Auteur: James Gardiner € 200,00
Robert V. Levine - A Geography of Time, One World A Geography of Time, One World Auteur: Robert V. Levine € 29,99
Coleman, Kenneth - A History of Georgia A History of Georgia Auteur: Coleman, Kenneth € 34,99
Perkins, David - A History of Modern Poetry. Modernism and After A History of Modern Poetry. Modernism and After Auteur: Perkins, David € 40,00
Carr, E.H. & Davies, R.W. - A History of Soviet Russia. Foundations of a Planned Economy. Volume ONE-II A History of Soviet Russia. Foundations of a Planned Economy. Volume ONE-II Auteur: Carr, E.H. & Davies, R.W. € 29,99
Gijbels, Luc - A little glow in the dark. Book 1: Life - Het leven   Book 2: Memory - De Herinnering A little glow in the dark. Book 1: Life - Het leven Book 2: Memory - De Herinnering Auteur: Gijbels, Luc € 80,00
Kammen, M. - A Machine that would go of itself. The Constitution in American Culture. A Machine that would go of itself. The Constitution in American Culture. Auteur: Kammen, M. € 29,99
Dalm, Rudolf E. van - A Structural Analyses of "The Honorary Consul"  by Graham Greene. A Structural Analyses of "The Honorary Consul" by Graham Greene. Auteur: Dalm, Rudolf E. van € 25,00
Elizabeth Howe - Acting on Ethics in City Planning Acting on Ethics in City Planning Auteur: Elizabeth Howe € 34,99
Jansen, Kees & Vellema, Sietze (Ed.) - Agribusiness and Society / Corporate Responses to Environmentalism, Market Opportunities and Public Regulation Agribusiness and Society / Corporate Responses to Environmentalism, Market Opportunities and Public Regulation Auteur: Jansen, Kees & Vellema, Sietze (Ed.) € 29,99
Todd, O. - Albert Camus. Een leven. Albert Camus. Een leven. Auteur: Todd, O. € 44,99
Storm Thorgerson (Hipgnosis) & Roger Dean (Ed.) Dominy Hamilton (introduction) - Album Cover Album Album Cover Album Auteur: Storm Thorgerson (Hipgnosis) & Roger Dean (Ed.) Dominy Hamilton (introduction) € 35,00
Roger Dean and Storm Thorgerson - Album Cover Album 5/The 5th book of Record Jackets Album Cover Album 5/The 5th book of Record Jackets Auteur: Roger Dean and Storm Thorgerson € 35,00
Vaughan Oliver, Storm Thorgerson & Roger Dean - Album Covers Albim 6 Album Covers Albim 6 Auteur: Vaughan Oliver, Storm Thorgerson & Roger Dean € 40,00
Quennell, Peter - Alexander Pope. The Education of Genius 1688-1728. Alexander Pope. The Education of Genius 1688-1728. Auteur: Quennell, Peter € 34,99
Honour, H. - Algemene kunstgeschiedenis / druk 7 Algemene kunstgeschiedenis / druk 7 Auteur: Honour, H. € 40,00
Berg, W. van den, Couttenier, P. - Alles is taal geworden. Geschiedenis van de Nederlandse literatuur, 1800-1900 Alles is taal geworden. Geschiedenis van de Nederlandse literatuur, 1800-1900 Auteur: Berg, W. van den, Couttenier, P. € 60,00
Brogan, Walter - American Continental Philosophy / A Reader American Continental Philosophy / A Reader Auteur: Brogan, Walter € 30,00
Ferrara, Peter - America's Ticking Bankruptcy Bomb / How the Looming Debt Crisis Threatens the American Dream-And How We Can Turn the Tide Before It's Too Late America's Ticking Bankruptcy Bomb / How the Looming Debt Crisis Threatens the American Dream-And How We Can Turn the Tide Before It's Too Late Auteur: Ferrara, Peter € 34,99
Alan A. Myers and Paul S. Giller (Ed.) - Analytical Biogeography / An Integrated Approach to the Study of Animal and Plant Distributions Analytical Biogeography / An Integrated Approach to the Study of Animal and Plant Distributions Auteur: Alan A. Myers and Paul S. Giller (Ed.) € 34,99
Grant, Charles - Ancient Battles for Wargamers. Ancient Battles for Wargamers. Auteur: Grant, Charles € 39,99
Hennessy, James Pope - Anthony Trollope Anthony Trollope Auteur: Hennessy, James Pope € 34,99
Schweitzer, F., Perry, M. - Anti-Semitism / Myth and Hate from Antiquity to the Present Anti-Semitism / Myth and Hate from Antiquity to the Present Auteur: Schweitzer, F., Perry, M. € 39,99
Bernard Gotfryd - Anton the Dove Fancier and other stories of the Holocaust. Anton the Dove Fancier and other stories of the Holocaust. Auteur: Bernard Gotfryd € 32,99
Philby, H. St.John - Arabia of the Wahhabis Arabia of the Wahhabis Auteur: Philby, H. St.John € 75,00
Feinman, Gary M. - Archaeology at the Millennium / A Sourcebook Archaeology at the Millennium / A Sourcebook Auteur: Feinman, Gary M. € 49,99
Trevor-Roper, H.R. - Archbishop Laud Archbishop Laud Auteur: Trevor-Roper, H.R. € 29,99
Julius Shulman, Peter Gössel - Architecture and Its Photography Architecture and Its Photography Auteur: Julius Shulman, Peter Gössel € 75,00
Ellis, John - Armies in Revolution. Armies in Revolution. Auteur: Ellis, John € 29,99
Millis, Walter - Arms and Men. A Study in American Military History Paperback 382p. Arms and Men. A Study in American Military History Paperback 382p. Auteur: Millis, Walter € 30,00
Tonnesson,S and Antlöv, H (Ed.) - Asian Forms of the Nation Asian Forms of the Nation Auteur: Tonnesson,S and Antlöv, H (Ed.) € 29,99
Cohen, Edward - Athenian Economy and Society.  A Banking Perspective Athenian Economy and Society. A Banking Perspective Auteur: Cohen, Edward € 34,99
Kingsbury, Damien, Aveling, Harry (Eds.) - Autonomy & Disintegration Indonesia Autonomy & Disintegration Indonesia Auteur: Kingsbury, Damien, Aveling, Harry (Eds.) € 34,99
Coles, Romand - Beyond Gated Politics / Reflections for the Possibility of Democracy Beyond Gated Politics / Reflections for the Possibility of Democracy Auteur: Coles, Romand € 29,99
Drake, - Black Metropolis / A Study of Negro Life in a Northern City Black Metropolis / A Study of Negro Life in a Northern City Auteur: Drake, € 34,99
Meron, Theodor - Bloody Constraint / War and Chivalry in Shakespeare Bloody Constraint / War and Chivalry in Shakespeare Auteur: Meron, Theodor € 25,00
Wilson, Thomas M. (Queen's University Belfast), Donnan, Hastings (Queen's University Belfast) - Border Identities / Nation and State at International Frontiers Border Identities / Nation and State at International Frontiers Auteur: Wilson, Thomas M. (Queen's University Belfast), Donnan, Hastings (Queen's University Belfast) € 39,99
T. Blackett, R. Robins - Brand Medicine / The Role of Branding in the Pharmaceutical Industry Brand Medicine / The Role of Branding in the Pharmaceutical Industry Auteur: T. Blackett, R. Robins € 39,99
Greenberg, Miriam - Branding New York / How a City in Crisis Was Sold to the World Branding New York / How a City in Crisis Was Sold to the World Auteur: Greenberg, Miriam € 39,99
Margarette de Andrade - Brazilian Cookery. Brazilian Cookery. Auteur: Margarette de Andrade € 35,00
Richter, Heinz - British Intervention in Greece. From Varkiza to Civil War. February 1945 to August 1946. British Intervention in Greece. From Varkiza to Civil War. February 1945 to August 1946. Auteur: Richter, Heinz € 35,00
Crawford, Margaret - Building the Workingmans Paradise / The Design of American Company Towns Building the Workingmans Paradise / The Design of American Company Towns Auteur: Crawford, Margaret € 29,99
Peter Keating, Alberto Cambrosio - Cancer on Trial / Oncology as a New Style of Practice Cancer on Trial / Oncology as a New Style of Practice Auteur: Peter Keating, Alberto Cambrosio € 39,99
Frieda, L. - Catherine de Medici. A Biography. Catherine de Medici. A Biography. Auteur: Frieda, L. € 34,99
HARRE & MADDEN, - Causal Powers Causal Powers Auteur: HARRE & MADDEN, € 29,99
Lee, Hugh (Ed.) - CEZANNE IN THE HEDGE: And Other Memories of Charleston and Bloomsbury CEZANNE IN THE HEDGE: And Other Memories of Charleston and Bloomsbury Auteur: Lee, Hugh (Ed.) € 34,99
Schwartz, Charles - Ciole Porter Ciole Porter Auteur: Schwartz, Charles € 34,99
Rodwin, Lloyd & Robert M. Hollister (Editors) - Cities of the Mind. Images and Themes of the City in the Social Sciences. Cities of the Mind. Images and Themes of the City in the Social Sciences. Auteur: Rodwin, Lloyd & Robert M. Hollister (Editors) € 39,99
Hartman, Chester - City for Sale / The Transformation of San Francisco City for Sale / The Transformation of San Francisco Auteur: Hartman, Chester € 29,99