
The Gangs Of Birmingham / From the sloggers to the Peaky Blinders, fraai exemplaar






Milo Books




2010, 304pp, paperback, zwart wit foto's,

Plus d'informations
In the early 1870s, the boomtown of Birmingham erupted in a series of vicious gang wars. Mobs of youths armed with stones, knives and belt buckles fought pitched battles in a struggle for territorial supremacy. Known as ''sloggers'', they drew their numbers from the workshops and factories that made guns, nails and jewellery, and lived cheek-by-jowl in overcrowded, insanitary slums.
Author Philip Gooderson traces the history of these warring factions from their first appearance in the Cheapside area to the later rise of the ''peaky blinders'', new gangs named for their peaked caps and long fringes. He describes for the first time the brutal antics of once-infamous fighters such as the Simpson and Harper brothers and the police killer George ''Cloggy'' Williams, and explains the eventual demise of the gangs at the turn of the century. The Gangs of Birmingham brings to vivid life a forgotten chapter in the history of British gangland.
Gooderson, Philip - The Gangs Of Birmingham / From the sloggers to the Peaky Blinders, fraai exemplaar
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